Growing in Grace: Resources, Autumn 2024, Vol. 9
Quarterly mini-book reviews for Christian leaders
Christian Leadership
John M. Perkins and Karen Waddles, Count It All Joy: The Ridiculous Paradox of Suffering (Moody, 2021).
Perkins, in his nineties when he wrote this book, is an elder stateman for the Christian church. He is a voice of unity and forgiveness, wisdom and humility. A victim of racist violence from his earliest days, Perkins advocates choosing the way of the cross in the midst of pain.
Bible Study as a Means for Understanding the Times
N. T. Wright, Acts for Everyone: 20th Anniversary Edition with Study Guide, Chapters 1-12 (The New Testament for Everyone) (Westminster John Knox Press, 2023).
Usually I reserve this spot for “understanding the times.” But I believe that understanding the Book of Acts as it presents God’s activity through his church helps us understand our times. Well-written and accessible, Wright’s commentary inspires, instructs, and illuminates. See also his second anniversary volume, Acts chapters 13-28.
Karen Ristuccia, Joyful Rigor Handbook: Christian Teaching with Resilience and Hope (Stone Tower Press, 2024).
It is bold to recommend my own book, but this volume certainly captures my thoughts on effective teaching. To teach well is hard and doing so with resilience and hope demands both dedication and a supportive environment. This book’s 31 practical chapters are designed to review with fellow teachers, so that the entire community benefits.
Mentoring and Discipleship
Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, Mentor for Life: Finding Purpose through Discipleship (Zondervan, 2016).
Overall, Robinson’s book focuses on women mentoring women. She provides both a vision for mentoring and an array of practical mentoring advice, from using mentee covenants to limiting the size of cohorts, from unity in diversity to obedience and sacrifice.